Gold Land (ゴールドランド) is a continent of the The World of Power Stone in the Power Stone anime. The golden Power Stone was located in this land. This is the home of Gunrock.
Power Stone | |
Games | Power Stone - Power Stone 2 - Power Stone Collection |
Other media | Power Stone (anime) - Power Stone (manga) - Power Stone Original Soundtrack Power Stone Original sound track ROUND 1 - Power Stone Original sound track ROUND 2 |
Characters | Falcon - Rouge - Wang-Tang - Ryoma - Ayame - Gunrock - Jack - Galuda - Kraken - Valgas Pete - Julia - Gourmand - Accel - Pride - Mel - Pharaoh Walker - Dr. Erode Apollus - Jane - Cassie - Octo - Pus Master - Lord - Ayame's Family - King Octopus - Valgas' Team |